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Korean young professionals | By: Multi-bits | Getty Images

Oct 06, 2015 AM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

South Korean Study Shows That 3 Out Of 10 Young Job Seekers Are Struggling to Find Permanent Jobs

A research conducted by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training and The Chosun Ilbo found that three out of 10 young workers are finding it hard to secure a permanent position in companies.

New Zealand flag | By: Stockbyte | Getty Images

Oct 06, 2015 AM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

South Korea and New Zealand To Push ForRatification Of Their Free Trade Agreement

During the twelfth joint economic committee meeting of South Korea and New Zealand on Thursday, both countries have agreed to push for the early implementation of thei free trade agreement, which has been pending in the National Asembly since June.

South Korean women wearing traditional

Sep 25, 2015 AM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

South Korea Celebrates Chuseok On Sept. 26-29 With Cultural Festivities

South Korea will be celebrationg Chuseok on Sept. 26-29 as thanksgiving for their harvest season.

South Korean soldiers at the Unification Bridge | By: AFP | Getty Images

Oct 06, 2015 AM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

South Korean Blue House’s Use Of The Term ‘Bestow’ In Giving Snacks To Military Personnel Draws Critics' Attention

On Sunday, the Blue House announced that President Park Guen Hye will be "bestowing" snacks to military servicemen on Chuseok. The term "bestow" used by the presidential office was slammed by critics.

North Korean rocket Unha-3 in 2012 | By: AFP | Getty Images

Oct 06, 2015 AM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

North Korea To Imminently Launch Rockets And Multiple Satellites Into Space

According to an interview by CNN, senior directors of the National Aeronautical Development Association (NADA) have confirmed a space launch by the newly opened satellite control center in Pyongyang, North Korea.

night scene at Itaewon, where the alleged murder of a college student in Burger King took place on April 3, 1997 (Wikimedia Commons)

Oct 06, 2015 AM EDT - Diana Tomale

1997 Itaewon Murder Case Alleged Suspect Arthur Patterson Is Back In South Korea After The Investigation Of The Case Was Reopened

Alleged suspect of the Itaewon murder case in 1997 is back in South Korea for a trial. Arthur Patterson arrives in the country on Wednesday after the case was reopened for investigation in 2009.

Investors worry over the global economic slowdown as Kospi drops 1.89 percent on Wednesday. (Photo by Chung Sung Jun / Getty Images)

Oct 21, 2015 PM EDT - Diana Tomale

KOSPI Weakens By 1.89 Percent On Wednesday As Investors Continue To Worry About The Global Economic Growth

Analysts reveal that investors are concern over the global economic slowdown. Also, KOSPI weakens by 1.89 percent on Wednesday.

Magnifying glass and a descending line graph | By: Adam Gault | Getty Images

Sep 25, 2015 AM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

The Bank Of Korea Reports Declining Sales In Over 3,000 Companies For Q2 Amid Weak Exports And Falling Commodities Prices

The Bank of Korea reported on Tuesday a decline of 4.3 percent in market sales of over 3,000 companies, small and big.

Residential buildings in South Korea | By: Bloomberg | Getty Images

Oct 01, 2015 PM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

South Korean Government's 'New Stay' Housing Sytem To Offer 8-Year Lease With Rent Hike Cap

The government of South Korea offers a New Stay housing project to help the country's local housing market amid increases in rental rates.

School in South Korea

Sep 23, 2015 AM EDT - Ji Hyun Joo

Educating Students About Wartime Sexual Slavery Goes Beyond Teaching Teens About History

17 schools in South Korea have reportedly chosen to use teaching aids to educate students about wartime sexual slavery.

Beauty make up | By: RUNSTUDIO | Getty Images

Oct 01, 2015 PM EDT - Czarelli Tuason

South Korea's Cosmetics Companies At Big Advantage As Country Regains Its Tourism

After the recent MERS outbreak in South Korea, big-spending Chinese tourists are gradually coming back to visit the country, which analysts see as an opportunity for Korean cosmetics brands.

(Photo by: Pool / Getty Images News) South Korean President Park Geun Hye says the government is open to discuss labor reform measures with unions and employers.

Oct 01, 2015 PM EDT - Diana Tomale

South Korean President Park Geun Hye Plans Moves For Discussions On Labor Reform Measures In Consideration of Workers And Opposition Parties

South Korean President Park Geun Hye reveals on Tuesday that the government is open to discuss with unions and employers regarding labor reform measures.


Sep 22, 2015 PM EDT - Ji Hyun Joo

South Korean Government-Mandated Child Surveillance App Has ‘No Security At All’

A new app called Smart Sheriff has posed a risk to children.

Myanmar Refugees

Sep 22, 2015 PM EDT - Therese Agcopra

South Korea To Welcome 30 Refugees From Myanmar in December As Part of U.N. Resettlement Program

South Korea's Ministry of Justice are currently reviewing eligible refugees from Myanmar to benefit from U.N.-led resettlement program.

2014 World Alliance of Religions' Peace (WARP) Summit signing ceremony (Photo by HWPL)

Oct 19, 2015 PM EDT - Diana Tomale

Over 300 Attendees Participated On The 1st Annual Commemoration Of September World Alliance Of Religions’ Peace Summit That Was Hosted By Peace Organization HWPL

Peace organization HWPL hosted the 1st Annual Commemoration Of September World Alliance Of Religions’ Peace Summit. The two-day event was attended by more than 300 participants from all over the world.

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