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LG Electronics V10

Aug 31, 2016 AM EDT - Agatha Austria

LG Electronics to Launch New Handset V20 a Day Before Apple iPhone 7 Release

Seoul-based company, LG Electronics will launch its latest handset on Sept. 6, a day earlier than the release of the latest iPhone to be held also in San Francisco.

Getty Images

Aug 31, 2016 AM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

California Government to Allow Pilot Test of Driverless Cars Without Steering Wheels

The possibility of allowing the testing of driverless cars without steering wheels on Californian roads is gaining traction in the state's legislature according to a report by Tech Crunch.

HANOVER, GERMANY - MARCH 10: A symbolic data cloud is seen at the IBM stand at the 2014 CeBIT technology Trade fair on March 10, 2014 in Hanover, Germany. CeBIT is the world's largest technology fair and this year's partner nation is Great Britain. (Photo

Aug 30, 2016 AM EDT - YuGee

IBM Sets Up New Cloud Data Center in South Korea

IBM opened its latest cloud data center in South Korea, making the total number of global IBM cloud data centers to 47, and continued its expansion into the Asian market with its launch.

Mark Zuckerberg

Aug 29, 2016 AM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Facebook Abandons Human Editors to Manage its 'Trending Feature'

Facebook is going to rely less on human editors to manage its 'Trending feature.' Facebook's "Trending" allows users to see popular topics circulating in the last twenty four hours. Zuckerberg is planning to automate the feature to dramatically reduce the possibility of human bias in determining what is trending and what is not according to a post in Facebook's blog.

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are Now Available in Korea

Aug 27, 2016 AM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Apple Defends Iphone from Latest Security Breach

Apple fixed a critical security software flaw, which was up until Thursday, enabled hackers to easily invade Iphones with spyware and transform the phones into tracking devices that can take pictures and video record data of the unsuspecting owner.

Samsung Endangered Employees Health in SK

Aug 26, 2016 AM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Samsung Scoop to Compete with Amazon's Echo

Samsung created a Bluetooth speaker with microphone capabilities called "Scoop" possibly as to compete with, Echo, a similar device from Amazon based on a report by Ausdrooid -Australia's independent media outlet that covers mobile and tech news.

Nutonomy Launches Self Driving Taxis in Singapore (Photo Credit: NuTonomy)

Aug 26, 2016 AM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Self-Driving Taxis in Singapore Begin Trial Run: Commercial Launch in 2018

Self-driving taxis in Singapore have been deployed on trial mode with a full scale commercial launch in 2018 according to a report by Fortune.

Appraisal Feature Help Players See Pokemon's Attack and Defense (Photo Credit Brendon Thorne , Stringer , Getty Images)

Aug 26, 2016 AM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Pokemon Go Update: Players Can Now View a Pokemon's Attack and Defense

Pokemon Go Update: Players can now View a Pokemon's Attack and Defense

Facebook Lifestage App Danger to Teens' Privacy (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Aug 24, 2016 PM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Facebook's Lifestage App for Teens: Danger to Teen Privacy

Facebook's Lifestage App for Teens has been criticized to be a danger to teen privacy. Facebook launched the new video selfie sharing mobile app for teenagers but apparently teens don't have the means to control the app's privacy settings. The app is 'always public and viewable by everyone'

iPad Pro 2 Release

Aug 24, 2016 PM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

iPad Pro 2 Possible Release Dates, September 7

The iPad Pro 2's possible release date is 7th of September according to strong industry rumors.

Xbox Scorpio Release Date: Autumn 2017 (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Aug 24, 2016 PM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Xbox Scorpio Release Date: Autumn 2017

Xbox Scorpio release date is sometime late 2017 and fans are excited to see if it is true that it would be the most powerful video game console in the history of gaming.

Cisco Systems (Credit: Getty Images)

Aug 18, 2016 AM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Cisco Systems Terminates 14,000 employees - Seeks Workers with New Skills

Cisco Systems is terminating about 14,000 employees which represents 20 percent of its 70,000 strong global workforce according to insiders interviewed by tech news site CRN.

National Security Agency (NSA) Building

Aug 17, 2016 PM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

NSA Servers Got Hacked and its Assets Surface in The Black Market

NSA servers got hacked and its assets surface in the black market

Ford Logo (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Aug 17, 2016 PM EDT - Bien R. Gruba III

Automated Driverless Car: Ford Announces Commercial Production for 2021

Ford announces commercial production of a fully automated driverless car in 2021

South Korean professional Go player Lee Se-Dol reviews the fourth match against Google's artificial intelligence program, AlphaGo on March 13.

Mar 15, 2016 PM EDT - Jesse L.

Go Champion Lee Sedol Praises The 'Concentration' Of Google's AlphaGo A.I. System Following His 4-1 Tournament Loss

Go champion Lee Sedol may have only won game in his matchup against Google's AlphaGo computer playing system this week, but he refused to admit the game is more skilled than himself or other top players.

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